Storm Madrid
This video was made possible by our clothing company Subscribe for the BTS To get the best viewing experience we recommend wearing headphones and watching on Vimeo We headed out to the best city in the world for Parkour to make a solid action edit. Original plan was to film 4 video parts, but unfortunately Kie got injured before we got out there. Needless to say the other boys smashed it and came through with some banging clips. If you want to see daily content from us then head over to our insta to check that out Shot over 8 days in Madrid, Spain Action by Joseph Henderson, Tim Champion, Ed Scott Guest movement by Cosmin Marius and Alberto (Mini) Gomez Tribello Titles by Aslan Steel Filmed on the Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K in BRaw. Edited in DaVinci Resolve 16 and Adobe After Effects CC