Hearts Of Joy Changeofcolours Johann Immanuel, Handpan Music, Ayasa E Amara C Aegean
As the days are getting darker here in Germany I felt the call to share a lovely memory from this summer In June I got to spend a week with some super talented souls at the MalteMarten Handpan Artist Residency We had such a beautiful time, inspiring each other, sharing and making music the whole day. Some of you may already know johannimmanuel from some of my other videos. We live quite far from each other, but everytime we meet I appreciate our jamsessions so much Theres always room for being playful, trying new things and sometimes were even surprising ourselves with some crazy new moves I hope you enjoy todays jam ( and I hope you dont mind the wind airplane too much Its more difficult to find quiet spaces outside than you may think ) Follow johannimmanuel: Instagram: Youtube: Follow me: Instagram: insta