Caline G Series Green Mamba Overdrive G002
A midrich vintage voiced overdrive with plenty of gain and volume on tap. Incredibly touch sensitive to your pick attack, and interacts beautifully with the volume pot of your guitar. Use it to add a little hair to an overdriven amp to tighten a high gain metal tone or to boost solos helping you cut easily through a mix. Go on, give your solos some bite with the Green Mamba Follow us on facebook: Follow us on Instagram: calinetechnology , caline, calinegseries, calinegreenmambaoverdrive, pedalboard, pedalboards, pedalboardoftheday, pedalboardfrenzy, basspedalboard, pedalboardpeople, pedalboardmadness, pedalboardporn, pedalboardsofdoom, guitarpedalboard, custompedalboard, pedalboardsetup, pedalboardarchive, worshippedalboard, notpedalboard, headrushpedalboard, pedalboardsetups, pedalboardcable, diypedalboard, pedalboardsofinstagram, custompedalboards, minipedalboard, mypedalboard, westcoastpedalboard, pedalboardz , bosspedalboard, pedalboardcables, creationpedalbo