Jet Men Go To Worlds Fastest School (1949)
Full title reads: Jet Men Go To World s Fastest School Driffield, Yorkshire. Royal Air Force pilots are trained to fly jets. GV Elevated Meteor VII (training aircraft) lined up in dispersal being refuelled. (1st 7ft. super title). SV Conversion pilots sitting in classroom. MV Instructor lecturing on compass. CU Pilot officer. MV RAF Engine instructor giving lecture to four pilots on jet engine. CU Engine instructor s hand pointing to one past. MV Instructor walks to exhaust end of engine pan as engine turns round. SV Over exhaust end of engine pilots listening to instructor. MV Instructor pulls engine round and continues lecture. SV Standard Meteor fighter. Pupils inspecting undercarriage. One pupil climbs into cockpit. Squadron leader Fitzpatrick climbs up to explain controls. CU Fitzpatrick explaining controls to pupil. LV Pilots walk to exhaust end of engine. Instructor explains. SV Two pupils looking into front end of engine. LV Pan Meteor VII flying over. CU Pilot looking