White Powder Blue Dream ( Full Album 2021)
Blue Dream (2021) White Powder is a new band from Austin tx. featuring members who have played with Gorch Fock, Tia Carrera, Migas, Black Mercy, Brothers Collateral, Free Range Bastards, Breedlove, OMGWTFBBQ and Suckling. Album recorded in 2014. Mixed 2020. Vinyl release May 7 2021 please find it at your local record store or order at 1. Wolves 00:00 2. Connemara 07:25 3. Aokigahara 13:32 4. El Velador 15:41 5. Alice Walker 19:32 6. Costa Bravo 24:53 7. Rula Jabreal 30:01 8. Dirty work 36:24 9. Antietam 39:54 releases May 7, 2021 Win Wallace Bass Ezra Reynolds Keys, synths Jeff Swanson Drums Jason Morales Guitar Recorded and mixed by Chico Richardson Mastered at Terra Nova Mastering by Jerry Tub Cover art Win Wallace Distributed by Australian Ca