8 tiny habits that help me avoid procrastination
In this video I talk about the tiny habits (or micro habits) that I do to help me avoid procrastination. As the queen of procrastination, I am quite useless if I don t do these things. It s been a long process but I ve made so much progress and I hope some of these habits may help you too :) Enjoy: 8 tiny habits that help me avoid procrastination Timestamps 00:00 intro 01:08 start at end of day 01:58 eat the frog 03:02 2 minute rule 03:55 5 minute rule 05:21 borrow from the environment 06:39 slightly valuable object 07:47 mindset shift 09:27 cut the flow Links mentioned in video: Thomas Frank s video about 5 levels of self discipline: SQL for tech and data science interviews course with 10 mock interviews: