Opal Vessel Cemetery Tapes Vol. 1 Barber Beats, Vaporwave Full Album
TAPES AVAILABLE VIA TURN UNDEAD HORROR BEATS Cemetery Tapes Vol. 1 Part 1 of a 3 Volume series of sample based Barber Beats mixtapes themed solely on Japanese horror. Vol. 1 is centered around the manga series PTSD RADIO and it s track names are named after chapters from the series. If Barber Beats were being played inside a burning church Bandcamp: Instagram: This release uses samples and is not monetized on YouTube. If any artist has any issue contact me through the email in the about section. , vaporwave, barberbeats, barberbeats, horrormanga, ambientmusic, electronicmusic, experimentalmusic, horrormusic, horror, postvaporwave, lounge, loungemusic, downtempo, downtempomusic