Iron Willed Chorus Battle Entry FRAME OUT United Nations
IT S PROMO TIIIIME PLEASE WATCH IN HD , ,mp3: MP3: Sub us: REPRINT from UNC Channel Hey Cir here. What s up guys Nothing much, really. . just our bitchin entry for the IronWilled Chorus, that s all. Our chorus is made up out of all different kinds of voices. Do you like them Do you Anyways, enough of that. This little lovechild was made in 3 days. 3 DAYS. including recording, mixing, mastering, animating. . should i even go on The mix was finished and sent to the Ironwilled chiefs JUST in time. Our amazing little boy Fruu mixed and edited the solo vocals, and our Mr. Mix Master Len had been mastering and editing everything. This happened in one day That s it. Say no more. . What are these people I don t even know. . I ll tell you that. Wait. . there s more YES. Our PIMPIN anima