Лоскутное одеяло, How to Make an American Quilt
No one fights dirtier or more brutally than blood; only family knows its own weaknesses, the exact placement of the heart. The tragedy is that one can still live with the force of hatred, feel infuriated that once you are born to another, that kinship lasts through life and death, immutable, unchanging, no matter how great the misdeed or betrayal. Blood cannot be denied, and perhaps thats why we fight tooth and claw, because we cannotbeing only humanput asunder what God has joined together. Whitney Otto, How to Make an American Quilt Once you love, you cannot take it back, cannot undo it; what you felt may have changed, shifted slightly, yet still remains love. You still feelthough very smallthe notaltogether unpleasant shock of soul recognition for that person. Whitney Otto, How to Make an American Quilt br, br,