Manifestations of ET Contact with Dr. Steven Greer
8, 000+ Films, Shows Classes on Gaia. Start Your Free Trial More people around the world are learning to make contact with extraterrestrial intelligences. As this evolves, we will gain a greater understanding of our place amongst the intergalactic community. Through Dr. Steven Greers CE5 protocols, many individuals are experiencing direct contact with ET beings leading to a greater understanding of our collective unity within the universe. About Gaia: Gaia offers the largest resource of consciousness expanding videos. Answer life s deeper questions and go beyond the mainstream narrative with Gaia a membersupported media network of truth seekers and believers empowering an evolution of consciousness. Explore over 8, 000 adfree, streaming titles that challenge modern paradigms and allow you to manifest the reality that defines your being. You can experience Gaia in English, Spanish, German, or French. We offer original, dubbed or subtitled content in these l