How to make money as a freelance developer business tips from an expert
0:00 Should you become a freelance developer 8:22 How to stand out from other freelance developers 14:53 How to sell your services 25:50 Where to sell your services Summary of points: Should you be a freelancer Are you selfmotivated or do you need structure provided for you People who can regulate themselves, and require themselves to work set hours from home, are best suited for freelancing. People who require someone to provide them with a work schedule and deadlines is better suited to work for someone. Can you make money as a freelancer Roughly 30 percent of the 24 million small businesses in the US do not have a website. This equates to 7. 2 million businesses. If each of these businesses paid 3, 000 for a website then that would be a total market of 21, 600. .., softwaredeveloper, freelancedeveloper, freelancer, howtomakemoney, workingasafreelancer, learntocode 20171009 fsTzLgra5dQ