Death by Mona, Warfare
We had sound issues sorry, it is fixed. All songs and lyrics are written and performed by Death by Mona. Subtitle available tomorrow. Lyrics in description. Song title: Eternal warfare Album: Revelation 11 (Full album releases in December), gothic , gothicmetal , band Death by Mona is an Enigmas band. Follow us on twitter for updates and releases. Lead vocals and lead guitarist, synth, percussionist, producer, founder: Krow J Chaplin (Jimmy Claybourne) Bass guitar, synth, editor: Sammy Doll Delouse Second guitarist: John Mulock, backup vocals Percussion: Mike D Manager: Chris Dias Death by Mona copyright 20192023. All rights reserved. All fam mail can be sent to Thanks for all your support and we love you all. Please be sure to Share, like and possibly Subscribe. Its making it hard to breathe Waking up without an answer Its not what s inside of me It eats you up like a cancer I just want my mind at ease Tir br, br,