Physiotherapy for Children : How It Can Help Your Little One Grow and Develop
Do you think your baby s head is becoming too flat Is your infant favouring a particular side of the room when they gaze Is your infant unhappy during tummy time Is the fact that your kid isn t yet crawling or walking causing you concern Is it bothersome that your kid has inwardpointing feet when walking or seems clumsy when running Is your kid experiencing some minor discomfort in his knees or feet whenever he plays football or his other favourite sport Is your teen s posture a cause for concern Does your infant have a wheezy or otherwise noisy respiratory pattern Does your kid have nighttime coughing fits Does he have a stuffy nose Is your youngster exhibiting symptoms of asthma Does your five year old keep you up at night because he or she keeps wetting the bed Physiotherapists help kids and adults alike keep moving and feeling well. Young patients and their families are the focus of paediatric physiotherapists daily practise. A paediat