Masshiro World Mikakunin de Shinkoukei ED Piano
This is the most catchy ED song of this anime season, and I really love it. And after looping the ending song for the 1000th time, I decided to make a piano cover. Mikakunin de shinkoukei (or engaged to the unknown ) is one of my personal favorite anime series of this spring season 2014, because every episode is just a lot of fun to watch. Especially the chemistry between the characters Kobeni and Mashiro is really well done. Since the ending song (and its adorable chibi animation) is the greatest thing ever, I decided to make an classical influenced overthetop transcription for Masshiro World. Surprisingly the transcription was finished in only 6 hours. Probably because I was very motivated by listening to the ending song the whole time. It s a very energetic transcription featuring a distinctive left hand octave jumping. In order to get a more complete picture of the sheet, I included some original material to extend the 1:30min TVsize ED