Senior Developer Workflow For Stress Free Coding
Stop being frustrated with your code and take just a few minutes to learn an iterative workflow. Your code will always be working. Your stress level will be low. You ll be able to go for a lunch or a run and not worry about how to fix your broken code. And you ll be able to locate bugs down to just a few lines without doing extensive debugging. I have a book out on TypeScript that gets updated with a new chapter every time I add a new No BS TS episode. Check it out What s my theme Night Wolf black What s that font MonoLisa Jack is also on the React Round Up podcast: Don t forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates: Discord server signup: . .., JackHerrington, DeveloperWorkflowForStressFreeCoding, codingtips, computerscience, developer, developerworkflow, frontenddeveloperdayinthelife, howicode, howtocode, howtowritecode 20211025 eAfUfKYcvBo