Saint Levant Very Few Friends ( Lyric Video)
Stream Very Few Friends on your favorite platform: Subscribe to Saint Levant: Connect with Saint Levant: LYRICS: I m not toxic I m broken baby Or maybe I m just saying that Got a bad lil ting Min il maghreb btistana 3alaya She knows where I m staying at Oltilha teejeeli 3amrika bas ma 3indha visa fa oltilha tla2ini bmarselya Vas y fais tes valises et retrouve moi dans le sud de la France Wil fareeg 7awaleya Lover Boy Levant back in the building Viens chez moi vas y we till the morning Demain soir on va tester ça Après ça sera la dernière fois cuz Gotta focus on the vision baby Next year ill be on FIFA Ah t as kiffé that I m driven baby Well the thing is I have Very few friends I m focused and have very few