Breeding Hydragea in water, the perfect idea for a romantic front yard landscape
Hydragea flower is that it has asexual flowers, the flower color is white at first, then gradually turns blue or pink, depending on the pH of the soil. The best time to plant hydrangeas Hydrangeas bloom profusely from spring to summer, so the best time to plant hydrangeas is fall, followed by early spring. Because, planting flowers at this time will give the plant enough time to develop healthy roots before the plant focuses on nutrients to bloom. The best time of day to plant hydrangeas is early morning or late afternoon. Because hydrangeas are waterloving plants, if planted at another time of day, the plant is likely to lose water and die. The best soil for hydrangeas Hydrangeas grow well in soils rich in organic matter. Although hydrangeas are waterloving plants, they cannot live in waterlogged conditions. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the drainage capacity of the soil. Soggy, poorly drained soil can cause root rot, and within 1 to 2 weeks t