Hair Dos Plane And Fancy (1956)
Seymour Hall, London. SV. Girl s head. TV. The hall with hairdressers at work on raised platforms. SV. Woman working on model s hair, camera moves to the model. SV. Man working on pompadour hairstyle. TV. Platform with contestants working. SV. Girl with up swept hair and two butterfly wings attachments to the top of her head. This hairstyle is called Rose Fantasy. SV. Sondra Jefferies, 17 year old, modelling evening version of the Olympic hairstyle. TV. Crowd. CV. Girl with a snakelike decoration in her hair. SV. Joan Lamont, 22 year old, modelling Expressionism with hairdresser Bernard Hillaert working on her head. SV. Girl with short hair nicely curled and swept back. CV. Male spectator rases binoculars to his eyes. GV. Photograph in mirror of model Janine Bartmouir. Hairdresser, Odette Rouis creating Autumn Fantasy on her head looks like Cruella s hairstyle but is softened with flowers. CV. Pan up to fantastic headgear big flower arrangement on girl s head (2 shots). (Orig. Neg. ) (Titl