Monday, Week 11: Threshold Inside, Outside, Oil on Linen (23, 03, 2020)
Welcome to week 11 Today and throughout the week, we will try and redefine what insideoutside means to us. Our perception of interiorexterior is changing by the minute. The nature of what we once understood as quotidian, everyday life has transformed. But that doesn t mean that this universe is less magnificent, and that our humanity can t be maintained. Painting as contemplation is now more than ever a reminder that, while this may be our job, the real value of what we do lies in the act of painting and the reflection that accompanies it. Today I paint Dani, because even if I was outside, surrounded by people, I would paint her. She is coming out for sun, during the tiniest window of time that we have in our apartment, if weather allows for it of course. Inside there is coolness, outside there is warmth. But that very warmth that was once comforting, is now one of the few things in nature that we allow our bodies to touch. And yet, Dani and I remain hopeful, because underneath it all, there