The King And Queen Of Greece In France (1956)
Paris, France. Documentation on file. LS. The Quai D Orsay, with Guard of Honour down steps MS. King Paul and Queen Frederika with their daughter Princess Sophia of Greece, mounting steps. GV. The reception. Various shots, the King, and Queen, Princess and Pres. Coty talking together. MS. Queen Frederika greeting woman, and man. MS. King Paul and Queen Frederika. MS. Queen, Coty and Princess Sophia. CU. King Paul and Queen Frederika. MS. Queen and President Coty. GV. The reception. LS. Train drawing into Bois de Boulogne station. Various shots, the royal party alight and are greeted by Pres. Coty and members of French Cabinet. MS. Group of people in national costume of Greece LS. The Royal party stand to attention as National Anthem is played by military band. LS. King Paul inspects Guard of Honour. LS. Royal Party in car with mounted escort, passing Arc de Triomphe. MS. Royal car past camera (Queen and Princess) MS. Mounted escort. Various shots, cars with King Paul and Pres. Coty passing camera. LS.