New Storm Cloud Baby Sonic LV MAX Sonic Forces: Speed Battle
Movie Sonic event open on max level Baby Sonic. Cloud+fire. Wow Baby Sonic s Upgrades Overview. Whirlwind: Puts the wind your opponents streals Rings as it spins. EMP Boost: Breaking the sound barrier It s no shock that this boost zaps nearly rivals as you charge ahead. Storm Cloud: A bonus of bad weather that zaps any runners passing through it, removing an item. Download (Google Play): Download (App Store): If you enjoyed watching this video please give us thumbs up, leave a comment below and share this video with others Support SEGA HardLight P. S. Michael Sonikov (DJ Sonic) Steam: Discord RUS: Join us: VK page: Im VK: Story VK: Twitter: OK page: My Instagram: , SegaMD2, BabySonic, SonicForces