Charlotte Adigéry Bear With Me (and Ill stand bare before you) ( Official Video)
DEEWEE045 Bear With Me (and I ll stand bare before you) is out now Listen Taken from Foundations (DEEWEE050), the first DEEWEE compilation album is out 7 May. Preorder The video is about being confined thus confronted to the way we live. The cruel irony of having the privilege of standing still, questioning and observing my life in all safety while others are fighting for theirs. On the other hand the video is about trying to stay sane while feeling that the walls are closing in on you. Embracing boredom and finding joy in the little things in life. Mastering your thoughts, dreams and fears Charlotte Adigéry Director: Alice Kunisue Animation: Sylvain Fernandez Director of Photography: Florian Solin Assistant: Léonard Petit Colorist: Guillaume Schmitter Production: Claire Alba, Mirror Mirror Video Commissioner: Rhian Emanuel Extra help: Jarri Van der Haegen and Phil Evans Follow Charlotte Adigéry: cha