The Hush Hush Car (1927)
The huge locomotives of today didn t grow up by rule of thumb. The dynamometer car is largely responsible for the scientific progress of the latest locos L, S of a stationary train. Two men stand beside the train. C, U from low angle of carriage of the train which has the words Dynamometer Car painted on the side. C, U of man looking at the wheels of the train. Low angle of three men, one straddles between two carriages, the other two sit on the roof of one of the carriages. A device is attached to the carriage on the right, joining it to the carriage on the left. M, S of the front of the train. Men climb up into the engine driver s cabin. In telephone touch with the driver or Engineer on the footplate within this special North Eastern car is a mass of valuable recording machines each telling its own tale in graph or other C, U of two men at work in the special carriage. C, U of a piece of equipment. View from the moving train of the surrounding countryside. Another train pas