Rene Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy
Meditation I: Meditation II: Meditation III: Meditation IV: Meditation V: Meditation VI: The script to this video is part of the Philosophy Vibe Desartes Meditations eBook, available on Amazon: Check out the Philosophy Vibe merchandise store: Join George and John as they discuss and debate different Philosophical ideas. In this 6 Part video they will be looking into Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy. This is widely considered to be the birth of modern western Philosophy, and would go on to influence many Philosophers for years to come and help shape rationalist mode of thought within Philosophy. The mediations is a deep mental journey Descartes takes pondering the nature of our reality, our knowledge and truth. It is quite literally a meditation from Descartes in which he grapples with some very profound ideas and shatters the empirical foundations Philosophers at that time had held since the works of Aristotle, namely that all knowledge comes from our senses.