Sing along with The Kings Singers: Greensleeves (arr. Bob Chilcott)
These sing along videos are made thanks to generous donations to The King s Singers Global Foundation, which aims to give access to great choral music in innovative and inclusive ways such as this. If you enjoyed this video you can help us make more: We re releasing this video on the 28 June, which is the birthday of perhaps England s most famous King, Henry VIII. This song has long been associated with Henry; some think he wrote it (with Greensleeves referring to his second wife, Anne Boleyn), many don t. But either way it s certainly a melody that originated in 16th century England and we love both the melody and this arrangement by Bob Chilcott: sometimesbubbling, sometimeslyrical and with a typically imaginative harmonisation of the chorus. Have a go at singing along with a voice part that suits you, and let us know in the comments how you got on Buy copies for your choir through Hal Leonard: