Beach Combing On Broadway (1930)
Material considered unusable due to nitrate decomposition. No title. Beachcombing on Broadway is the lazy man s newest pastime New York High angle shot of New York street image almost unviewable and therefore unusable due to nitrate decomposition damage. Millions of people walk over these subway gratings each day some have holes in their M, S of pedestrians walking down a New York street again shot probably unusable. Human M, S of two men walking along over the gratings looking down One of the men points into the grating. A long pole and a gob of chewing gum are his C, U of the two men who show their equipment to the camera. Man squeezes chewing gum onto the end of his stick. C, U of the pole being lowered through the gratings. C, U of the chewing gum end sticking to something. Note: this is a section of a Walter Futter s Curiosities film. Probably bought in by Pathe for reuse. Picture quality of this film is poor. Safety neg on