Help Needed Jul 2018. The Poor Die Young
I m all about highlighting acts of terror so we can discuss and find the perceived reasoning, so we can work to removing it. I seek to find paths to move forward so we can all live together with respect and in peace. My site at needs to be developed so itll be a vehicle for discussion. My work on social media are platforms to argue change and their addresses can be found on my home page. When I say terror, it has to be remembered that it comes in all shapes and colours. Theres domestic, sexual and racist abuse, gender inequality, corruption, political gagging and the list goes on. My day job pays the bills but I need to reduce my time so I can spend it on my efforts. I need to research on the various terrors in our modern world. I need to gain time to focus on the various news sources available to accurately articulate a path forward. I need your help. If you value what Im trying to do, please visit and give what you can. Ill only be looking for support