Kids With Buns untitled ( Official Video)
Directed, photographed and edited by Jeffrey Roekens Cast: Ingmar Proot, Hilde Ide, Symon Piddington, Carine Maiheu, Isadora Gisen Produced by Musickness Thanks to De Kringloop Winkel regio Kortrijk for the decor. Production assistants: Ina Devos Octavie Ide Lyrics and Music by Kids With Buns Produced and recorded by Daan Schepers Mixed by Pieterjan Coppejans And youll turn around, youll always turn around When youll find out, how much of a wreck I am You dont bring it up, you hardly ever bring it up Youll just leave me there, all unaware With my questions on my own I have a heavy heart, and my soul is dark Can it be fixed Im sure it can be fixed It will just take some time I smashed my phone Left my head home Like I always do, like I always do I burned your clothes Left my head home Like I always do, like I always Im all in a rush these days Dont have no trust these days We barely talk these days All on our own these days