Steve Lukather Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
Steve Lukather Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson Hold the Line Steve Lukather may be a bonafide rock star, but hes also downtoearth, selfeffacing, selfaware, openminded, hearted, reflective, enthusiastic, passionate, thoughtful, generous, and perhaps sweetest of all, a fanboy like us of his heroes. From the 6yearold boy blown away by The Beatles on Ed Sullivan, Georges guitar specifically, to the grown man who came to play and friend not only George, but Paul, and closer than close with Ringo, his boss for the past decade. Fab stories of all three, not to mention much about Steve and then Jeff Porcaro, David Paich, with whom he began being a serious musician whilst still in high school. Stories about Steely Dan and their various incarnations, one which almost included him, Boz Scaggs, his first major gig, the formation of Toto, sessions, sessions, and more sessions, Dean Parks, Ray Parker, Jim Keltner, Larry Carlton, touring, alcohol, drugs, wild times, Michael Jackson, Thril