French Nuclear Crimes
NUCLEAR FUEL ARRIVES IN JAPAN FROM FRANCE Nuclear fuel shipped from France has arrived at a nuclear power plant in Japan. The shipment is the first since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in March 2011. The fuel is a type called MOX. It is a mixture of plutonium extracted from spent nuclear fuel and uranium. MOX fuel had been used at 4 reactors in Japan prior to the 2011 accident. But all plant operation and shipments had been halted since the disaster. A ship carrying the fuel ordered by Kansai Electric Power Company left France in April. It arrived on Thursday morning at the utility s Takahama nuclear plant in Fukui Prefecture, on the Sea of Japan coast. Kansai Electric plans to use the fuel at Takahama s Number 3 hopes to apply for permission to restart operations when new guidelines for nuclear plant safety go into effect in July. Jun. 27, 2013 Updated 01:50 UTC