The Beasts in the Jungle, Maria Davou, TEDx Patras
Uncertainty. It often fills us with questions, leading us to search for answers. Maybe we find ourselves, at times, wishing we could go back to our childhood and school years. At that time, uncertainty was another entry in the dictionary and it was then that our teacher seemed to have all the answers, to be the omnipresent to whatever worried us. This version of the teacher, who used to interpret the world for us, assuring us that everything is fine, has quickly wilted. According to Ms. Maria Davou that is not necessarily a negative consequence, but a way of progress. The teacher and researcher will share her vision for a new educational programme that sets uncertainty as the main guideline of the journey shared by students and teachers. Because the worst that can happen to a society governed by uncertainties is a jumble of unconcerned citizens. So, the goal that emerges is to educate students, in order to make them capable of asking the right questions, able to resist the temptation of easy and rea