Eva Maria Houben going on (2020) for organ
EvaMaria Houben (b. 1955) going on (2020) for organ Carson Cooman, organ Published by Edition Wandelweiser and on it goes through corridors, over stairs and steps, and after a while we reach a vast landscape. and on it goespassing trees, mountains, valleys, and lakes, and after a while we reach the ocean. and on it goespassing islands, giant waves, beaches, and incredible wide skies. German composer and organist EvaMaria Houben (b. 1955) was educated at the FolkwangMusikhochschule in Essen, where she studied organ with Gisbert Schneider. After receiving her doctorate and post doctorate qualifications in musicology, she taught at various institutions and since 1993 has been a professor at Dortmund Universitys Institut für Musik und Musikwissenschaft. She has published numerous books and articles on subjects related to contemporary music. Houben has been performing for many years as an organist and is a member of the Wandelweiser Group of experimental composers and performers. Her large catalog of c