Movie Trailer TAMAGO by Director Koji Hirano : 映画 たまご 予告編トレーラー 平野功二監督作品
Tamago Synopsis In a small harbor town at the Southernmost end of Honshu Island of Japan, a highschool girl, Sora, lives alone with her father, Taichi. Sora deals with the pain of being abandoned by her mother. Being a teenager, Sora finds difficulty expressing her gratitude against her father. Sora slowly learns to face her own life choices and starts to dissolve the conflicting emotions. Sora takes a step toward her dream, inspiring others to find their own answers. 2015 Film Teaser for Tamago by Koji Hirano 映画たまご予告編 映画のあらすじ 和歌山県紀伊半島本州最南端の小さな港町にあるふくろ食堂の一人娘 平波青空ひらみ そらは食堂を切り盛りする父 平波大地ひらみ たいちと二人暮らしをする高校年生幼い頃母は夢を追かけ単身で海外渡航中に急死残された青空と大地は心に深い傷を負う家族を残して行ってしまった母の本当の目的が解らず誰にも相談できず苦しみを抱える青空学, 266