The Baby Dance, FULL MOVIE, 1997, Laura Dern, Stockard Channing, Motherhood Drama, Adoption
A barren uppermiddleclass woman contracts with a lowerclass woman to adopt her baby. Starring Laura Dern Stockard Channing Peter Riegert Richard Lineback Sandra Diane Seacat Wally Dalton Ted Stuart Directed by Jane Anderson 1997 , motherhood, babydance, lauradern, femaledirector The beloved Chicken Soup for the Soul books changed the world one story at a time. Now, the new Chicken Soup for the Soul streaming service is doing the same thing. This free entertainment and lifestyle destination features programming that entertains and inspires. From mysteries to miracles, comedy to true crime, the Royal family to RomComs, awardwinning movies to noteworthy originals, theres something for everyone. Chicken Soup for the Soul: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: P