Dodie Magis Javanese Magnetism Day 1 Vid 14
Dodie Magis Javanese Magnetism Day 1 Vid 14 What to learn in the Javanese Magnetism training: How to mesmerize and hypnotize people with strong energy or assist in healing. Or simply combine it with what you already do in life. How You can create a strong connection in terms of energy such as hypnosis the report but without one word, only with energy This connection can be seen on YouTube in several videos. If people can be completely integrated on each side. Change in behavior, healing. Simply by giving a powerful suggestion. People in this state are super receptive to your suggestion. How to make your intent stronger so it will work like a laser into the subconscious of the subject and burn your suggestion into the brain. Ideal to break patterns in humans and install a new program so they feel much better. How to create a stronger protection, for example in an accident (the function of a helmet for example ) Your car itself and many other things that can give you an energy shield to protect yo