144, 00 Saints Revelations Chapter 14:1 5 Timothy J Douglass Sr Part 25
The Lamb of God and 144, 00 virgins with the Fathers name written in their foreheads Musicians playing harps and the 144, 00 singing a song that no one can learn except them. Worldwide Revival. Please Pray For. Revelations Chapter 14:15. FATHER I BELIEVE THAT YOU SENT YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST TO DIE ON THE CROSS FOR MY SINS. I BELIEVE THAT HE DIED, AND WAS RESURRECTED, AND IS COMING BACK TO JUDGE THE LIVING AND THE DEAD. FATHER, I REPENT. PLEASE FORGIVE ME OF ALL MY SINS. COME INTO MY HEART AND MAKE ME YOUR CHILD. IN THE NAME OF YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. AMEN and