Girl Clown (1961)
C, U of a clown, Cocotina, carefully putting a false moustache on under a putty nose; another clown, Coco, is checking his makeup in the background. M, S of the two clowns in their dressing room as Coco puts his jacket on. We are told they are from Bertram Mills Circus (at Olympia at this time). L, S in the circus ring as we see a clown leaping over two bending midgets and doing a forward roll on a mat; he runs back and kicks one of the midgets in the pants, getting a sock round the ear in return. Our two clowns enter the ring in outsize suits; Coco wears huge shoes and Cocotina wears large flipper feet; commentator tells us Coco is Cocotina s grandfather. They join the others and newcomer Cocotina shows us a trick of balancing a bottle on the end of a piece of wood; then spoils the effect by turning the piece of wood upside down, thus revealing the bottle is stuck on. Various funny business follows; kicks in the pants, socks round the ears etc. A man by the side of the ring is drizzling food colouri