DADDY LONG LEGS Street Sermons ( Official Album Trailer)
Preorder Street Sermons, the new album from DADDY LONG LEGS: DADDY LONG LEGS fourth studio album, Street Sermons, represents a wellspring of bottledup feelings and emotions that need to be taken to the streets. Produced by Oakley Munson of the Black Lips at Old Soul Studios in Catskill, NY the band expands upon a sound thats all their own and features guest appearances from punk rock legend Wreckless Eric providing backing vocals on Nightmare and Silver Satin and The Lovin Spoonful s John Sebastian on DingDing Man, In dark times DADDY LONG LEGS continue to shine their light everywhere they go, leaving a piece of themselves on stage every night because its in them and its got to come out. Over the last decade these gentlemen have burned down houses the world over with their explosive fire ceremony and have amassed a cultlike following all their own with a tough to beat reputation for being one of the finest live