English Lesson Double Preposition, 134
English Topic: Double How Double Preposition Are Used And Identify In Sentences. Hello Viewers and Subscribers Thank you for joining me in another English Lesson. In this lesson, we will learn the meaning of Double Preposition, Identify them in sentences and also display numerous examples of how they are used in sentences. The big question of the day is; What is Double Preposition ANSWER; Double preposition is a proposition that is made by combining two simple prepositions. Here is an example: The phrase out of would be a double preposition, since both out and of are simple prepositions. Or, Through and Out Putting these two words together we will come up with this one word Throughout That is all there is to it. I hope this lesson will help you tremendously in your English exams. Thanks for Watching Here are some LINKS relating to the topic of PREPOSITIONS that you need to watch; so