RAP BATTLE: Fizzy vs Izzy
A battle between generations Old vs New G1 vs G5 CAST: Jess Floam as FIZZY Jestbubbles Laura Rice as IZZY LYRICS MUSIC: Jack Getschman EDITED MIXED BY: AtomicCatacombs: LYRICS: FIZZY: Wow horrific, Teaching kids to swim in garbage makes me sick. Is this whats become of MLP Oh gee, Oneeeee Big heap of garbage 5 gainst the Look at this mare, That chin, Face smashed in, Whats your cutie mark You the village pincushion Gee A New Generation is the best thing youll ever be in, And that was only for the animation. Already got seasonal rot, time to abort No doubt your content will be like your hair, cut short. I dont even have to try, Got a twinkle in my eye, Youre just a tired, uninspired, unicycled Pinkie Pie IZZY: Hi new friend Or old fr