How Large is the Universe Bigger than you can Imagine
How big is the universe Why even ask or attempt to answer that question Were all living our lives in our own little bubble, so why even think about something so abstract I believe that we should explore and get a better understanding of the universe because its about selfdiscovery. Learning more about the universe tells us more about ourselves because in essence, it is us, we are the universe, we are not separate from it we are literally it As Alan Watts said, we are an aperture through which the universe is exploring itself. My intent with this video is to show you, visually, just how large the universe is and to also touch on what we can learn from that. Stick with me, because however big you think the universe is its bigger. . much, much bigger. Let s take a journey from the Earth and moon, to the solar system, to the Oort cloud, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster, and finally the observable universe and beyond Intro: (0:00)