Barbarian II (1988, 128k AY Music Version) Walkthrough, ZX Spectrum
4 x AY in game soundtracks in this special version. It is a Beta Disk version made by MKHG and SCL and TRD files can be downloaded here: THE GAME: At the finale of BARBARIAN THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR, the Barbarian defeated the warriors of Drax and thus freed Princess Mariana from his evil spell. Drax fled to the dungeons beneath his black castle, vowing to wreak disaster on the jewelled Kingdom. It is decided that there is only one way to stop Drax. The Barbarian and Mariana herself an accomplished swordsman are the only two warriors skilled enough to survive the perilous journey to Drax s lair. They must stop him before it s too late. The AXE increases your strength The GLOBE guards against death from Drax s magic The POTION increases your resistance The KEY opens portcullis doors The SHIELD guards against instant death from the Demon s fire The JEWEL disables the Living Idol