ZION ( Live in Jerusalem) Aaron Shust
Join Aaron Shust Live at the Tower of David as he shares his song ZION about God s eternal promise to Abraham and his descendants. Lyrics and info below. For Aaron Shust products or booking visit LIVE Tower Album now available at iTunes Spotify Amazon Order the CD or DVD at Zion (Aaron Shust) Live in Jerusalem Written by Aaron Shust Verse 1 O daughters of Zion O Abrahams sons (Psalm 105:69) Hear the words of your Father (Deut 6:4) Hear His promise of love (Lev 26:4245) I will make you a blessing (Gen 12:3) Count the stars if you can (Gen 15:5) You will be a great nation (Gen 12:2) I will give you this land (Gen 17:8) Chorus I will bring you back home (Ez 11:17) Bring you back home Oh My children (Ez 36:24) You will no longer roam Lost and alone in