LEVEL INFO Name: SUPERHATEMEWORLD Creators: ReaLVet, Doop, endlevel, icedcave, Loogiah, River Host: Endlevel Icedcave (Verifier): ID: Private Copy Music: Difficulty: Extreme Demon (Main List) FPS: 240 Botting Difficulty: 13, 100 Botting Enjoyment: 70, 100 Botted by Me DESCRIPTION Wow. This level is pretty sick. SUPERHATEMEWORLD is a level created by icedcave and verified by UFokinWotM8 around three months ago. It has now been fully redecorated, and will be verified by none other than Icedcave himself. This, for the most part, really captures a helllike, hopeless and even unsettling atmosphere through the level. It falls off a little at Loogiah s part, which feels a little less intense than the rest. Overall though, I am very glad to see this level redecorated and it looks a lot better now. I think the use of shake triggers in this level wasn t great for the most part, the ones at the wave don t really