Empire V Trailer
In modernday Moscow, disaffected former journalism student Roman (Pavel Tabakov) follows a cryptic invitation to join the elite and finds himself forcibly transformed into a vampire. But not your typical creature of the night. Thanks to a parasitical worm known as the Tongue, Roman (now called Rama) has become part of a ruling class of vampires who exercise an anonymous dictatorship over humans based not on a thirst for blood but the hunger for money. As various instructors school him in the ways of their elite breed, and Rama explores his new supernatural abilities, he begins a tentative relationship with another newly turned vampire, Hera (Taya Radchenko). His desire for more knowledge about this intoxicating new world also leads him into potentially deadly conflict with Mithra (Miron Fedorov), his mentor who becomes his nemesis. From the opening scenes of EMPIRE V, writer, director Victor Ginzburg (GENERATION P), adapting a novel by celebrated postmodern author Victor Pelevin, demonstrates a str