The Analogue Pocket Has Game Boy Camera Fans Taken Care Of , The Analogue, Pocket Has, Game Boy, Camer
The Analogue Pocket Has Game Boy Camera Fans Taken Care Of You ll soon be able to share your lofi 2bit images with the , PocketHas, GameBoy, CameraFans, TakenCare, Of If you owned a Game Boy, theres a good chance the Game Boy Camera was your first digital camera. It was cheap, it was easy to use, and the 2bit pixelated images it captured had an undeniable charm. For the first time in nearly 23 years theres finally going to be an easy way to get those digital pics onto other devicesif youre lucky enough to get your hands on the Analogue Pocket. Advertisement The 90 Game Boy Camera debuted back in 1998, and it was roughly the cost of the Game Boy itself. The camera slotted into the back of the handheld console, turning it into a fullfledged digital camera. Compared to even the other digital cameras available at the time, the Game Boy Cameras specs were crude at best. Inside the swivel ing lens that stuck up over the top of the Game Boy was a 128 x 128pi