Bruce Lee in The Fifth Element ( Bruce Lee Fight Scene REMIX)
I ve always been fascinated by the Diva Dance scene from Fifth Element where Milla Jovovich s Leeloo kicks alien butt to the beat. So I thought, why not apply that to another infamous butt kicker Here, I ve taken the infamous fight scene with the guards in Enter the Dragon and timed the punches and kicks of Lee to the timing of the Diva Dance scene in The Fifth Element. I could have done this edit with Lee s other movies (The Big Boss, Way of the Dragon, Game of Death, Fist of Fury but Enter the Dragon is the most well known of Lee s movies and the fight with the guards is a legendary fight scene just begging to be remixed. And here s where you can follow me Facebook: Twitter: Patreon (for Reviews): Patreon (for Mashups): Discord: d