GODS IN THE MOUNTAINS, The Cradle of Civilization Documentary 2024. Paul Wallis
Join us on an incredible journey through the beautiful Van Province in Anatolia, modernday Turkey, as we uncover the ancient secrets of one of humanity s most historically rich regions. Thanks to Our Sponsor: Surf Shark VPN: Go to Enter promo code 5thkind for 83 off and 3 extra months free 5th Kind Website Paul Wallis YouTube Channel In this video, Paul Wallis, accompanied by fellow researcher Matt LaCroix, explore the sites that classical authors and ancient myths suggest as the birthplace of many firsts in human civilization. From the reputed first vineyard planted by Noah after the Great Deluge to the advanced Iron Age technologies mentioned by Greek and Roman historians, this documentary delves deep into the narratives and archaeological findings of this enigmatic land. Exploring the Van Museum, Göbekli Tepe, and the monumental