I want an apple Song , Kids Funny Songs
, kidsfunnysongs, babysongs, kidsvideo, childrensongs 1, 2, 3, 4 I got four apples Dont need more Give me, give One apple please One apple, hmm I dont wanna Give it to you No no no No Darling, why are you crying Do you wanna this Hmm Take this Hmm Hey, ok, you can take one Wow, thank you Nice. Sharing is caring 2) 1, 2, 3, 4 I got four bananas Dont need more Ahhhh, ,, Yummy Hey. . One. . hm Give me, give One banana One banana hmm I dont wanna Give it to you No no no No Daughter, whats wrong Do you wanna this Hmm Take this No Hmm Hey, Im sorry you can take as many as you want Really Thank you Remember, Sharing is caring Thats right