Caramella Girls Shufflelosophy 4 K
Oops There was a small frame error in the uploaded version last Friday, sorry Here is the right one. Thanks for your notes about it Hi Candies Now we have put together all three different levels into one complete Shufflelosophy song We really look forward to see you dance the steps and make the moves in your own video. Yeah Show us your shufflin skills In addition to here, you find the song on all possible streaming downloading services, below you find links to some of the most popular. Motion graphics animation and video editing by AnishaCartoons. 3D Character, Animation exodoanimation. Copyright 2022 Remixed Records Sweden. All Rights Reserved. Published by RemRec Songs Sweden. Once again we want to thank everyone who made this possible. Biggest hug to all of you Our amazing and beloved Ana. Thanks to the excellent team at Exodo Paco, Álvaro, Nora, Natalia, Pa